

In our agricultural activities, all our processes are managed sensitively to environment, human and animal health. In this way, Isotlar Tarım was entitled to receive Good Agriculture and Globalgap certification.

Good Agricultural Certificate

Good Agricultural Practices are essential environmental and operational conditions for the production of safe, healthy fruits and vegetables. Looking at the scope of Good Agricultural Practices, it is understood that agricultural production is carried out in a controlled manner and will not harm the environment and human health. Isotlar Tarım was entitled to receive Good Agricultural Certificate by complying with the agricultural legislation at all stages of production without harming the natural balance.

Global GAP Certificate,

It has become crucial for consumers to reassure that the food products they purchase are safely produced in terms of their environmental impact and the health, safety and welfare of workers and animals. Since it is an extremely complex initiative to verify such efforts on an individual and business basis, third-party certification programs are available. In this context, one of the most recognized initiatives in the international arena is GlobalGAP, a non-governmental organization that sets voluntary standards for the certification of agricultural products worldwide. Isotlar Tarım, which complies with safe and sustainable agriculture standards, has been awarded the Global GAP Certificate.